В зеркале её фешенебельной пудриницы ресницы выглядели как лохматые чёрные ножки паучка. Старательно разделяя их друг от друга маленькой...
Dubious Reality, A Guy On The Train, Or Those Crazy Israelis
Out of all the days in my life, it happened to be that particular day, when unbeknownst of God's funny plan to make a joke, I was...
Из серии "говорит Яша"
December 2019 После первых двух-трёх лет совместной жизни, Яша попросил меня не дарить ему подарки. «Только переводишь деньги. Мне всё...
Unlocking a Woman's Heart
She almost gave up at the notion of having a child. Actually, as she would later attest, she gave up the idea altogether; got her body in...
The Untold Story of Sivia
People may tell this legend differently, but they may not be as aware as I. You see, I was there and I've witnessed it all from the...
Thinking outloud
You know what really bugs you, what is really on your mind, keeping you up at night and choking at the dinner table? The real stuff you...
Thinking Outloud
Ever find yourself in a bar sitting next to two love birds? I mean, he is like this (looking with loving gaze) and she is like that back...
Клянусь, такое ни в сказке сказать, ни пером описать. Приходиться говорить об этом на Freedom FM.&q
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Я стала комедийной артисткой не потому что обладаю каким-то...
Bukharian Definitions Thesaurus
Business Related Passive Income – Job as a Home Attendant. $10,000 - $15,000 – Income Tax Bracket of a person who works on 47th Street...